Britney Spears Talks Femme Fatale, Kids, Music, Life With Rolling Stone
Both have drawn waves. The pop princess is back, baby.
Britney Spears opens up to Rolling Stone in a fun new Q&A session. She talks a lot about her new album, Femme Fatale, as well as her home life.
Some excerpts from her interview below ...
On the kids' take on FF: "They definitely dance to it but they are still confused .... It’s like, 'who is this Britney Spears singer in contrast to mommy?'"
On her involvement in the process: "I have always been heavily involved in every album I have ever made. I'm very stubborn when it comes to recording and will only record songs I love, which is why it takes me a long time to make an album."
"I have to feel connected before I record and the song has to spark something inside me. Very few songs do that. I guess it's a good process because I love all my music. I know there are a lot of artists that hate songs they recorded."
On the sound of Femme Fatale: "I wanted to make a fresh-sounding album for the clubs or something that you play in your car when you're going out at night that gets you excited but I wanted it to sound different from everything else out right now."
"I also wanted to experiment with all the different types of music I love which is why you hear a mixture of pop, hip-hop and dance throughout."
On what she listens to at home: "I love the Peas but I also love Deadmau5. I guess I’m all over the place. Lately I have been listening to Robyn and Adele non-stop but I also love to find new artists that very few people know about."
On working with "The Peas make incredibly catchy, fun pop/dance records and I LOVE's style. I have always wanted to do a song with him and would love to work with him more in the future. He is so interesting."
On working with Dr. Luke: "We have known each other for a long time. Most people don't know this but we worked together when I was recording Blackout. He was incredible back then and he has only gotten better over the years."
Here's Britney's latest efforts from the new record ...